Maintenancefr e e NDIR (non-dispersive infrared) CO2
Sensor Indoor Air Qualitydisplayed in ppm with Good (380 to 420ppm),
Normal (<1000ppm), Poor (>1000ppm) indication
User proGRammable High/ L ow Visible andAudible CO2
Warning alarms
Measurement ra nges:
CO2: 0 to 9,999ppm
Temperature: 14 to 140Deg. F (-1 0 to 60Deg.C)
Humidity: 0.1 to 99.9%RH
Displays Year, M onth, Date, and Time
Max/Min CO2 value recall function
Au tomatic Baseline Calibration(minimum CO2 level over 7.5 days) or man ual calibration in fresh airComplete with Universal AC adaptor, software and cable
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) : 0 to 9,999ppm
Resolution :1ppm Temperature : 14 to 140Deg.F (-10 to 60Deg.C)
Resolution : 0.1Deg.F/Deg.C
Humidity : 0.1 to 99.9%
Resolution : 0.1%
Datalogging : Up to 5333 points for eachparameter Dim ensions : 4.6 x 4 x 4 Inch (117 x 102 x 102mm)
Weight : 7.2oz (20 4g)
Technical Specification
Netto Weight : 0.204 KG
Unit Demension : 117 X 102 X 102 MM
Type : Indoor Air Quality
Temperature : 14 to 140 Deg. F (-10 to 60 Deg. C)
US $ 700.74
Unit Price
US $ 700.74
Lead time of 90 working days required.
Item will be ready to dispatch within the lead time specified.