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Extech Oscilloscope 2CH Digital 20MHZ MS420
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Extech Oscilloscope 2CH Digital 20MHZ MS420
Deskripsi Produk
Extech Oscilloscope 2CH Digital 20MHZ MS420
High Quality Product
Auto-set function optimizes the position, range, time base, and triggering to assure a stable display of wave forms
Peak Detect function for 50 ns glitch capture
XY Mode and FFT function to vi ew component frequencies
Twenty Automatic Measurements including Frequency, Cycle, Average, Peak to Peak, RMS a nd more
Wave fo rm Math : Add, Subtract, Multi ply, and Divide
Average Mode for smoothing wa ve forms
Persistence Mode for observing dyn ami c signals
Store and recall up to 4 wave f orm screens and set ups
USB interface and software for transferring wave forms and data
Type : Osciloscope
Display Size : 3.8 INC (96MM) color LCD; 320 x 240 pixels
Bandwidth : 20 MHz
Real time sample rate : 1 00 MS/s
Risetime : 17.5 ns
Channels : 2
Record Leng th : 6K points per channel
Glitch Capture : 50 ns
Vertical Sens itivity : 5 mV to 5 V/div
Vertical Resolution : 8 bits < li> Tim e base Range : 5 ns to 5 s/div
Sample Mode : Sample, Aver age, Pe ak Detect
Trigger Modes : Free Run, Single Shot, Edge, Vi d eo
Trigger Source : CH1, CH2
Trigger Coupling : AC, DC < li> Input impedance : 1 MOhm / 20 pF
Max Input Voltage : 400 V (peak)
Cursor Measurement : Voltage and time
True RMS Mu lti Meter Functions
AC/DC Voltage : 400 mV, 4 V, 40 V, 40 0 V
AC/DC Current : 40 mA,300 mA, 20 A
Resistance : 400 Ohm, 4 kOhm, 40 kOhm, 400 kOhm, 40 MOhm
Capacitance : 51.2 nF to 100 mikroF
Diode and Continuity : Yes
PC Interface : U SB cable
Power Supply : 6 hours Li-ion rechargeable battery; A C Adaptor/Charger
Dimensions/Weight : 7 x 4.4 x 1.6 INC(180 x 113 x 40 MM) / 24.3oz (690 Gr)
Technical Spec
Netto Weight: 0.828 KG
Unit Demension: 180 X 113 X 40 MM
Height Demension: 3.500
Length Demension: 42.300
Width Demension: 14.000
Type: Osciloscope
Dimension uom: 42.300
Resolution: 8 Bits
Rp 41.630.000
(exc. PPN)
Rp 46.209.300
(inc. PPN)
Harga Satuan
Rp 41.630.000
Lead time diperlukan 90 hari kerja.
Barang akan siap dikirim dalam waktu tenggang yang ditentukan.
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