Waterproof type dial gages having a bezel with an outside diameterof 57MM. All types come with limit markers and a bezel clamp asstandard.
The bezel clamp can be attached to either the right orleft side. These parts can be easily installed and removed withouttools.
The stem and spindle are made of highstrengthquench-hardened stainless steel suitable for heavy-duty use.
Acarbide contact point is used.
Application of a ha rd coating on the surface of the crystal makes the gage highly scratchandchemical-resistant.
The outer clamp and lifting lever (optional) can be attached toeither the right or left side. These parts can easily be installed andremoved without tools.
Secure adhesion between the bezel and crystal as well as the use of an O-ring prevents water or oilpenetration.
The spindle is made of high strength quench hardenedstainless steel which resists arduous use.
A carbide cont act pointis used.
A special alloy is used for the sector gears to provideimproved wear resistance.
The indicator uses jewelled bearings,providing excellent indication sensitivity anddurability.
Application of a hard coating on the surface of thecrystal makes the gauge highly scratch and chemical resistant.
Dial TypeContinuous
Gr aduation0.01MM
Measuring Force2.5N or less
RemarksWaterproof type with Lug Back
Technical Spec
Netto Weight: 0.125 KG
Unit Demension: 128 X 58 X 82 MM
Height Demension: 8.200
Length Demension: 12.800
Width Demension: 5.800
Material: Stainless Steel
Type: Waterproof
Dimension uom: 12.800
Rp 1.193.000
(exc. PPN)
Rp 1.324.230
(inc. PPN)
Harga Satuan
Rp 1.193.000
Lead time diperlukan 90 hari kerja.
Barang akan siap dikirim dalam waktu tenggang yang ditentukan.